Saturday, July 08, 2017
About Me
- Name: John and Lee Perazzo, Las Vegas, Nevada
- Location: Las Vegas, NV, United States
We have been gardening together since the fall of 2001. John sifts the soil and Lee grows the greens. We prefer greens and roots in the winter and harder stemmed veggies in the summer such as peppers and cucumbers. John looks after his worms and tumbles compost. Lee tracks the seeds and the work schedule here in the northwest Mojave Desert.
Previous Posts
- Think and Speak, not See and Say
- COVID-19 confirmed cases over time log x log Plot ...
- Mom's death
- Learn to be calm
- The Irresistible Force and the Immovable Object
- Global civilizations
- This disaster can be prevented
- This disaster can be prevented
- Biodiversity
- Environmental Ethics